Club Library

One of the benefits of LCGB membership is access to a lending library of railway books. An extensive collection has been built up since 1965, which includes many items now rare on the second-hand market. It is housed on the ground floor of Keen House, a few minutes’ walk from King’s Cross station. It is available to Members only. The collection ranges from published albums of photographs to the classics of railway literature, and includes many of the titles reviewed in the Bulletin. For members living within range of London, the library is open for browsing before (from ca. 18:00) and during the interval of Central London Branch meetings on the third Friday of each month. If you wish to borrow a book or books, speak to the Club Librarian. Robert Barker, who attends almost all Central London Group meetings and will identify himself by wearing a tie. Members living outside London are welcome to contact Robert using his home address, printed inside the front cover of the Bulletin, enclosing a land line number or stamped addressed envelope to enable requirements to be confirmed. Books will be sent to members at the Club’s expense by Royal Mail shortly after the next Central London Group meeting. The member is asked to return books to the Librarian’s home address within two months of receipt. Use of the library is not available to non-members. Please include your LCGB membership number with an application to borrow books. A full list of books is available for download here.

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